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Tips On Getting the Most From Invisalign

January 3, 2017

Wearing braces was bad enough as a teenager, don’t go through that torment as an adult. Why would you go through that when you can avoid the obvious metal shining on your teeth and the braces constantly irritating your mouth. With Invisalign, you can gradually straighten your teeth with a smooth plastic aligner that you don’t have to be self-conscious of and won’t irritate your cheeks. If you have always wanted straighter teeth, contact your local dentist office at First Hill Dental Center and see what we can do for you. Also, learn how to get the most of your Invisalign with these tips.

dental careWear Aligners All the Time

Get in the habit of wearing your aligners throughout the day and night to ensure they are doing their best work on your teeth. Only take them off when you are brushing, flossing or eating. Impress your dentist by showing him or her that you have been wearing your aligner all day.

Get Rid of Gaps

When the aligners aren’t properly fitted onto your teeth, they may not be working properly. With “chewies”, or small plastic-like material, chew or bite down on this material to tighten the aligners on your teeth. Doing this will remove air gaps that have formed throughout the day.


Aligners have a tendency to slip and move around when you are moving your mouth. When this happens, your dentist may recommend a dental bonding material, or attachment can be placed on certain teeth to grip the aligner to your teeth.

Wear a Retainer

Teeth straightening is a process that continues even after the Invisalign method is complete. The position of your teeth can still revert back to where they were before if a retainer is not used to keep them in place.

Contact your local dentist office at First Hill Dental Center. If you have always dreamed of perfectly straight teeth, it may be time to check out our Invisalign page! For the best dental care, be sure to brush and floss regularly and call us today to schedule an appointment and ask about Invisalign.