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Caring For Your Dentures

January 13, 2017

Dentures are often a necessary part of life and caring for them effectively is crucial for them to last longer, stay whiter, and prevent damages. Teeth, dental care, and dentures aren’t always a glamorous part of life, but when dentures are cleaned and treated correctly, there will be less worry and more time for enjoying your life. At First Hill Dental Center, our dentists want to give you the knowledge necessary for protecting your dentures. Follow these tips and steps to get the most out of your dentures.

Rinse After Eating

When you’re eating out with friends or family, taking the time to rinse your dentures can be a pain but is necessary to prevent damage. A quick rinse can remove bits of food that have been caught.

local dentistsRinse Your Mouth After Eating

While you’re rinsing the dentures, swish some water around and rinse your mouth out as well. With a soft toothbrush, gently brush your tongue, cheeks, and the roof of your mouth.

Brush Your Dentures Daily

Be sure to use a non-abrasive cleanser and soft brush when cleaning your dentures. This will remove food, plaque, and other potential deposits left from the day. If a denture adhesive is used, clean the grooves of the dentures that fit to your gums.

Soak Dentures Overnight

The material that dentures are made of often needs to remain moist to hold their shape. When soaking your dentures overnight, use a mild solution and follow your dentist’s instruction on how to store dentures overnight. Also, be sure to rinse the dentures to be sure that none of the solution is put in your mouth.

Things to Avoid

Abrasive solutions or brushes can often cause damage as well as not cleaning dentures properly. Avoid using whitening toothpaste, bleach products, and hot water, which will damage the structure of the dentures.

As with all dental care, follow up with routine dentist visits and ask your local dentist any questions you have about caring for your dentures. Check out our dentures page to learn more and give the dentists at First Hill Dental Center a call to schedule an appointment.