Night Guards

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Exploring Nightguards

Nightguards, alternatively termed dental guards or mouth guards, are dental devices designed to mitigate the consequences of teeth grinding. Typically crafted from sturdy transparent acrylic resin, these appliances come in soft or hard variations. Dentists typically advise wearing the nightguard over the upper front teeth to prevent contact with the lower front teeth during sleep. In instances of intense teeth grinding, a lower dental guard may be recommended. Beyond safeguarding teeth, these mouthguards also offer support and cushioning for the jaw muscles.


Benefits of Night Guards for Bruxism

Some individuals exhibit a tendency to grind their teeth due to anger, stress, or anxiety, whether during the day (daytime bruxism) or while asleep (nighttime bruxism). This unconscious and involuntary habit can pose risks to oral health. To safeguard your teeth, your dentist may recommend using a nightguard in conjunction with any prescribed anxiety treatments such as medication or therapy.

While night guards don't eliminate the habit of teeth grinding, consistent use can help prevent damage to fillings, tooth chipping or loosening, and excessive enamel wear. Furthermore, utilizing a nightguard may enhance sleep quality and alleviate symptoms associated with bruxism, including:

  • Tooth sensitivity or discomfort
  • Cheek biting
  • Receding gums
  • Fatigue from disrupted sleep
  • Facial discomfort due to tense or
  • sore jaw muscles
  • Temporal headaches

Benefits of Nightguards for TMJ

The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) in your mouth facilitate the opening and closing movements of your jaw. Prolonged teeth grinding can lead to TMJ issues, manifesting as jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds, or even a locked jaw. Inflammation or jaw injuries can also contribute to TMJ problems. Nightguards designed for TMJ help to properly position the jaws and relax muscles during sleep. Using a nightguard can effectively alleviate various TMJ symptoms, including:

  • Facial pain or discomfort
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Intense discomfort resembling an earache
  • Sensation of hearing ringing sounds in the ear
  • Difficulty with chewing or speaking
  • Discomfort experienced while eating or talking

Frequently Asked Questions On Night Guards